SPECIAL NOTICE:   Accepting September 2025 Kindergarten Applications


Parents are an integral part of the parish and our school community.

Parent Information

Drop Off / Pick Up Schedule by last name:

Group “A” (A to L) drop off 8:25am / pick up 3:05pm

Group “B” (M to Z) drop off 8:35am / pick up 3:15pm

Helpful Links for Parents

Parents provide the leadership and ability to have activities such as socials, fund-raisers, and other community events, so we highly encourage all parents to be involved with the life of the school by:
For more information on our parent organizations, please go to the links ‘Parent Support Group’ and ‘Local School Council’ on the right hand side of this page.

Other Links:

F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is a teacher-delivered program, supported by St. Patrick’s School, designed to prevent anxiety and build resiliency in students. Refer to the following parent website for strategies and activities to use at home.

Parent Involvement Program

In order to build an engaged school community, the PIP requires each family to undertake 10 hours of service to the school community each year. See guidelines below.

Service opportunities are wide ranging and are aimed to help the school community as a whole. Some examples, but not limited to, are Hot Lunch, Sports Activities, Back to School & Year End Events, Open House, etc. Volunteers are to record hours and submit the form to the office.

Before volunteering the following must be completed and the Criminal Record Check from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General be received in the school office.


  • Each family (parent / guardian) must contribute 10 hours toward school activities per school year, without exception.
  • A post-dated cheque for June 1st for the next school year for $150 is to be collected along with the Family Payment Schedule.  If this is not submitted, then registration will be deemed incomplete.
  • The cheque will be deposited if the full 10 hours are not completed. No exceptions will be made. No partial payments shall be made for partial hours completed.
  • To record your hours, complete the Parent Involvement Hours form and return it to the office.
  • The Parent Support Group (PSG) and members of the Local School Council (LSC) are exempt from the requirement of the program due to the hours of service that they already contribute throughout the school year.
  • The LSC shall have a dedicated member who will oversee the program and policy implementation.
  • The Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria has developed a Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment Policy (RMSE) to help ensure a safe environment for all members.  Under this policy all volunteers working for our schools where there is potential for direct or unsupervised contact with students are required to have a current CRC on file.

Parent Support Group

How can parents get involved at St. Patrick's Elementary School?

Parents are an integral part of the parish and school community and are encouraged to take part in the activities of the school. Parents provide the leadership needed for special activities, fund-raisers, socials and other community building events. St. Patrick’s School has an active Parent Support Group (PSG) which functions under the direction of the School Council. A parent liaison representative facilitates communication between the two organizations. Meetings are held once a month and are open the general school community.
The purpose is to assist the Principal and School Council in meeting the needs of the school community. We meet these needs on three levels: financial, social and educational.
Anyone who is a parent or guardian of a student at the school can belong to the Parent Support Group. The PSG is parent/guardian organized and managed.
We organize fund-raisers such as the Hot Lunch on Thursdays, Spirit Days and other fund-raising events to provide financial assistance for school programs, equipment and recreational activities. We stage social events such as the Fall Dance and the Fun Fair.

Parent Support Group

PSG Meeting Minutes:
All current meeting minutes are on the Forms & Documents page.

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